The Top 20 most expensive Sisters bootlegs sold on eBay in 2020

Now is perfect time to look at what happened with Sisters bootlegs on eBay over the last year. I do this little exercise every year as I find that it is a good way to understand where the market is going, and whether my collection is increasing or decreasing in value. Since there were hundreds of Sisters bootlegs sold in 2020, I have decided to narrow down my overview to the Top 20 most expensive bootlegs sold on the auction website. But before I start, I want to give a little disclaimer which is that this analysis is not scientific nor is it foolproof. To build my data set, I used both Popsike and ValueYourMusic, which had certain discrepancies between them, so users beware. The other important point to note is that this overview only concerns eBay, because it is the only online marketplace for which yearly public data is readily available. Sisters bootlegs are sold via more channels, such as Discogs (yes, there are still some bootlegs available on the marketplace), CDandLP and o...